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Webinar Feb 1: CAFIID's Gender Lens investing – Best Practices from Canadian Practitioners

Gender lens investing (GLI) is a subset of impact investing that integrates a gender analysis into investment decision-making in order to advance gender equality. GLI currently has approximately $20 billion under management and continues to gain momentum based on results which demonstrate that supporting women as entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and consumers will increase gender equity, reduce poverty and promote more inclusive and robust economic growth. GLI answers questions such as:

  • How can we ensure women receive a greater share of global investment capital?
  • What are the most effective ways to structure this capital in a way that meets the needs of women?

This session will share GLI approaches used by three Kitchener-Waterloo based organizations – Sarona Asset Management, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) and Conestoga College – who are working across Asia, Africa and Latin America and Canada. By sharing specific examples of what GLI looks like in different contexts, we hope to create awareness about this growing field and how it contributes to increased gender equality.

When: February 1st 2024

Where: Blue Room, Conestoga College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener ON

We hope you can join us during this inspiring conversation!

CLICK HERE for registration