SETSI’s mission is to engage and provide meaningful opportunities to the traditionally under-represented communities in the social economy sector. It is committed to building a world that thrives on innovation, culture, and creativity as catalysts for community prosperity and inclusivity. SETSI aims to co-create a social economy ecosystem in Canada that will reflect the diverse genders, races, cultures, orientations, and perspectives of constituents across Canada; that nurtures broad coalitions to cultivate respect and establishes intergenerational collaboration that will foster empathy between diverse opinions, beliefs, and interests.
As a coalition we are seeing a significant demand amongst SPO leaders from the broader equity seeking communities across Canada to establish communities of practice, gain support, and convene to raise awareness of in most instances their impactful yet isolated work. After convening capacity building sessions and building relationships with leaders across Canada we aim to diversify, enhance and deepen regional and national networks. It is imperative that through this work we ensure BIPOC leading SPO’s who are disproportionately under-represented in the social economy sector are engaged and empowered. Our work builds bridges with institutional partners and the aforementioned communities, and develops tool-kits to scale collective impact.