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Foundation for Black Communities: 31 IRP-funded projects

Foundation for Black Communities recently announced the Black-owned, Black-led, Black-serving (also known as B3 organizations) which were awarded IRP funding in 2023.  

FFBC’s IRP funding has three main objectives:

  1. Increase the quantity and quality of Black-led SPOs’ social innovation initiatives  
  2. Support B3 SPO preparedness to access social finance 
  3. Provide opportunities for organizational growth and development

Two different streams were available for B3 organizations under the FFBC funding for this IRP round of funding: the Explore Stream and the Stabilize & Build Stream. Read more about these two streams below:

Explore Stream Priorities  

Eligible Black-led SPOs, collectives, community leaders, and entrepreneurs under the Explore stream were granted funds to:

  • develop or launch a social enterprise operation/business initiative that does/plans to generate revenue and profit from the sale of goods/services;
  • explore and/or launch a community-driven social innovation project (e.g. other social innovation projects, community bond raising project, outcomes contract project, etc).

Stabilize & Build Stream Priorities

Eligible SPOs under the Stabilize & Build stream were granted funds to:  

  • grow or scale a social enterprise operation/business initiative that does/plans to generate revenue and profit from the sale of goods/services
  • develop and/or expand a community-driven social innovation project (e.g. other social innovation projects, community bond raising project, outcomes contract project, etc).
  • develop, launch or grow a social enterprise that plans to generate revenue and profit from the sale of goods/services

Click here to read more, including the list of successful recipients.